Sunday, July 23, 2006

Friends, glorious friends

I think I'm a pretty lucky guy. I've really never had a problem making friends....all through school and in my adult life I've been fortunate to meet fun, amazing people who I can call my friends. I still have a group of friends I've known since the 3rd grade! I have found the most enduring relationships are with folks I've met in high school, college, and in my various jobs over the years.

I mentioned in an earlier post about meeting up with one of those old high school/college friends, Carol, and her mom on their recent visit to California. We had an absolute blast!! I treated them to a day at the Farmer's Market and the Grove in West Hollywood....we had a lovely little French déjeuner at one of my favorite places in the Market, Monsieur Marcel. A little quiche....a little fine was a very fun afternoon.

Here's a Kodak moment of me and Carol at the Grove

I hope she doesn't mind me posting this great picture of us. Like I said before, it had been over 20 years since I'd last seen Carol. She thinks I haven't changed a bit....thank God for hair color and highlights! I don't think she's changed a bit either. And speaking of not's a pic of her mom, Dot

Amazingly enough, she hasn't really changed either! It was a very fun day and I know I'll keep in better touch with Carol as time goes on. It sure makes you realize how real friends don't just go away....people move on in life and career, but your real friends are with you for life.

I also mentioned in one of my previous posts that I was going to have a little shin-dig for some friends of mine from work. I have found that friends I've made in the workplace also make long-lasting unions that stand the test of time. My friend, Amy, whose blog got me started on this little venture, I've known for almost 20 years! (She probably doesn't want me admitting that on her behalf.) We met at my first job out of college, CRC Press, and there are a great number of those folks I still keep in regular contact with over these many years. And now at SAGE, I have a group of friends I count on as true friends....not just the symbolic after-work happy hour, but folks who would bail me out of jail if I needed them to (I have no plans on giving it a's the sentiment I'm going for.)

Certainly, in the routine of my daily life I meet people and cultivate friendships....I am very happy to call my ex-boyfriend, Ryan, a good friend. Even family members can be considered good friends. My cousin, Alexis, who lives here in Hollywood, is one of my best friends. She and I can talk about just about anything....I value her opinion and love getting together.

And the great friend network begets new friends....their friends become my friends, and so on, and so on.

So, if there's someone out there whom you haven't kept in touch with over the past several years or even months, reach out and touch them....a phone email. Let them know that you're thinking about them and I bet you'll pick up right where you left off.


Erica Orloff said...


What about moi? LOL!

The kiddies all say Hi!


gonoles84 said...

that didn't take were front and center when i thought of that comment. of course dahl!!

we should talk soon....


Anne Eston said...

So true. And the older I get, the harder it is to make those "forever" friends. I can think of at least 6 people I need to call!

And while we're on the subject, thank you Chris for always being so positive and supportive at work. I feel really privleged to know you.