Thursday, July 20, 2006

Jokerback Mountain

Remember when the first Batman movie was being cast and there was this huge backlash from Batman purists when Michael Keaton was pegged to wear the cowl and the ascot? Be source ( has announced that none other than Heath Ledger will be portraying the "Clown Prince of Crime" in the upcoming sequel to Batman Begins. Hmmmm....I'm not sure how I feel about it per se, but based on the list of potential candidates, Steve Buscemi (very cool, creepy choice), Robin Williams (loved Aladdin, waaaay over the top for the Joker), Mark Hamill (the excellent voice of the Joker in the animated series, doubtfully believable in this movie), and a bunch of actors I don't recognize, Ledger just doesn't strike me as the best candidate. Any thoughts....does anyone (other than myself, of course) really care??!


Erica Orloff said...

I thought Heath was palpably agonized in Brokeback. But as the Joker? Don't see it. He seems very self-contained as an actor . . .


P.S. Love "seeing" you online. :-)

Anne Eston said...

Ummm . . . like I was saying in the car that day when you told me this, I can't see it. Andy has reminded me though that Heath has proven himself as an actor and could probably pull it off even if we can't picture it per se.

We shall see!