Saturday, April 21, 2007

I will survive

An update to the post below....Chris Richardson did manage to survive....much like his namesake. I'm pleased that folks will have to endure hearing my name for at least another week. Oh, and yes, that's Blake sitting in Chris' lap....awww, ain't that sweet!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Will the real Chris Richardson stand up please?

The actual genesis of this post came from the sad news that one of my favorite game show stars, Kitty Carlisle Hart, passed away today at the age of 96. Of course, she was best known for her long stint on "To Tell the Truth", but she was an accomplished opera singer, movie and stage actress. I had the oppportunity to see her in LA last fall but my travel schedule wouldn't permit that to happen. Now I'm also makes me think that the next time Bea Arthur comes to town, I'd better high-tail it to see her! Anyway, RIP Miss will be missed!

And now for the Chris Richardson part of this post....can you imagine how many people who know me and may not like me for one reason (gay ex-husband) or another seethe everytime they hear my name in the media??! Quite honestly, it makes me chuckle....check that, laugh mightily. Of course after this posting, he'll probably get kicked off....ahhh, it was good while it lasted.