Saturday, July 22, 2006

Holy Comic-Con 2006!!

Digital cable is a good thing. It's tough though....I can run through the entire list of 999 channels and not find a thing to watch. Funny thing is watching those cable commercials. They make us laugh with their real cheesy production values....but they can, and do, inform. The network, G4, is running daily recaps of this year's Comic-Con in San Diego. Now, I've attended these events both in SD and Orlando....they are chock full of cool stuff (vintage comics, cel art, etc.), exclusive annoucements (the title of the last Star Wars movies, trailers, etc.), and special guest appearances (George Lucas, Kevin Smith, etc.). I love it!!

It's like Halloween in July, too. People take great pride in dressing like their favorite characters like the obvious, Batman, Superman, Spiderman....that list goes on. You can also find the characters from your favorite video game, characters from the "Harry Potter"books, even characters from movies from where they create a comic or graphic novel(Samuel L. Jackson from "Snakes on a Plane!")!! It's sheer lunacy and I love it!!

It certainly is an acquired taste....but if you're interested, check out G4. They have some pretty cool stuff.

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