Sunday, March 02, 2008

Do you RSS? I RSS....

I've been working with the new Blogger template and added some of the additional features it allows. I subscribe to a bunch of blogs but I thought I'd add a couple of the ones that I visit the most. You'll find those feeds on the left navigation.

There is a series of -ist blogs that cover news, current events, etc. from the big cities in the US. Of course, being in LA and all, I read LAist on a daily basis. This is a very cool blog that lets me know what concerts are coming up, sporting events, community even tells me if there is a major accident or road closure that's going to impact my commute to and from work! I thought I'd include this so that my friends all over the country can see what's shaking for those of us in Hell-A.

The second feed that I've posted is AmericaBlog. It is a liberal take on the political world. These guys provide brilliant insight on all things political, with correspondents who have served in the US government....from the Congress to Defense, from the states and abroad. It really provides breaking news and analysis of those things I think are important.

My hope is features like this will keep you coming back. Well, that and I hope to be blogging a bit more about what is happening with me.


Erica Orloff said...

Well, where the hell have you been?




moneythoughts said...


I was checking out people that collect art and I came across your blog.

I write and paint. Take a look at my blog, you might find it of interest.

I like Michael Chabon. Have you read The Yiddish Policemen's Union?


Steve sculpts critters said...

Hell A?
Hell no!
I moved to Santa Fe from L.A. and started sculpting animals and selling bronzes of them. Turns out I'm quite good at it. Have a peek.