Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I often harken back to my early years spent watching gobs of television....some good (Batman) and some bad (the Watergate hearings). One of my favorite game shows growing up was the aforementioned "Concentration." This one had a giant board with numbered squares that would turn and reveal part of a rebus puzzle behind each square (my brother and I used to love the sound the squares would make when they'd turn....it was very mechanical). You would try to turn as many squares as necessary in order to guess the puzzle and win fabulous prizes.

Trolling one of my favorite political blogs, AmericaBlog, I came across this posting today and, not only did it make me laugh out loud, it reminded me of that game show. The ad is one of many that is appearing in a Mexican newspaper. The bottom tagline reads, "A world so complex needs an explanation." I cannot wait until dipshit leaves office and takes his crown with him.

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