Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Bonnie Hunt Show

Buh-bye Martha Stewart....helllllooooo Bonnie Hunt!! Honestly, I could barely watch more than 30 seconds of a single Martha Stewart episode anymore. I'm thinking....wait a second, Bonnie Hunt has a chat show. I LOVE Bonnie Hunt!! Holy Mary, Mother of God!! (as she might say in her classic Chicago-Irish accent)....this show is fantastic! I almost feel like it's an homage to the old Johnny Carson show. "Heeeeeeeere's Bonnie!" But it's not trite....lots of fun bits mixed with the classic celebrity interviews. She's good with an audience....a la Carson. And, most importantly, I laugh out loud!!!! I have never understood why the TV viewing public has never totally embraced her sitcoms.

You know, I have no idea how well the show is actually doing, but I sure hope we get at least a year or two of this exceptionally funny daytime chat show.

Now, for those of you who know me....have you ever seen me use this many exclamation points in your life??! (+1)

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