Friday, July 21, 2006

Hee Hee....I couldn't resist writing that. It's a bit later in the day and not much inspiration for the blawg.

How about some events?

I'm going to New York to see a friend over Labor Day weekend (can't wait)....oh, the US Open just happens to be there, too. Honestly, it's been ages since I've been to NYC. Actually, the last time I was in New York, I went to the US Open for the first time.

I just saw an old high school and college friend this week....nee Carol Wheeler, now Butler. She's visiting Southern California with her mom....Dotski....well, it's Dot but I call her Dotski. Okay, now hold on to your's been 22 years since I last saw her!! (Paul, shut your jaw.) We'd been in communicado until our 25th HS Reunion when we got back in touch through a series of listserv-type emails. She took pictures and I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I posted them. I truly had a blast!!

I'm getting together with some good friends of mine from work on Sunday. Eric and Sheenagh just got back from the UK....England and Ireland. Val and Ellen just got back from Argentina.

I'm going to slit my wrists....

No. Really.

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